Astroneer:  Space Travel & How to prep
A how-to piece about the videogame Astroneer. Created for the YouTube channel Gamescape.
Role: writing, video capture, editing, voice overs
How to make fallout caps
A "how to" crafting video showing the process of turning bottle caps into "Nuka Cola caps" featured in the video game "Fallout".  Created for the YouTube gaming channel Gamescape.
Role: videography, editing
10 Survival tips in the Long Dark
A top 10 tips video covering the game "The Long Dark".  Created for the YouTube gaming channel Gamescape.
Role: writing, video capture, editing, voice overs
10 Tips for Fallout 4 Survival Mode
A top 10 list video covering survival mode in the game "Fallout 4".  Created for the YouTube gaming channel Gamescape.
Role: writing, video capture, editing, voice overs
Fallout 4 Survival Mode: Wellness & Illness
A tip video covering the wellness & illness in "Fallout 4" survival mode.  Created for the YouTube gaming channel Gamescape.
Role: writing, video capture, editing, voice overs
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